– 有意進一步認識/改善精神健康的居民
Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness
Service District 服務區域 |
Agency Name 機構名稱 |
Name of Centre 中心名稱 |
Address of Service Point 服務點地址 |
Tel. No. 電話號碼 |
Fax. No. 傳真號碼 |
Central Western & Southern Districts 中西南區 |
Fu Hong Society 扶康會 |
Sunrise Centre 康晴天地 |
Units 404-412, G/F, Wah Mei House, Wah Fu Estate, Hong Kong 香港華富邨華美樓地下404至412室 |
2518 3880 |
2553 8796 |
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 東華三院 |
Lok Hong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness 樂康軒 |
Suite Nos. 3-8, 29/F., Pacific Plaza, 418 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong 香港德輔道西418號太平洋廣場29字樓2903-08室 |
3460 6060 |
3709 6537 |
Lok Hong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (sub-base) 樂康軒(分址) |
G/F, Wong Chuk Hang Complex, 2 Wong Chuk Hang Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong 香港黃竹坑黃竹坑徑2號黃竹坑服務綜合大樓地下 |
3460 6060 |
3709 6537 |
Islands District 離島區 |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association 新生精神康復會 |
The Wellness Centre (Islands) 安泰軒(離島) |
G/F, Luk Yat House, Yat Tung (I) Estate, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, New Territories 新界大嶼山東涌逸東(一)邨祿逸樓地下 |
2363 5718 |
3552 5355 |
Eastern District 東區 |
Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 |
Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (Eastern) 樂心匯(港島東) |
11/F, Lancashire Centre, 361 Shaukeiwan Road, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong 香港筲箕灣筲箕灣道361號利嘉中心11樓 |
2967 0902 |
2967 0577 |
Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong 利民會 |
ALOHA (Eastern) 友樂坊(港島東) |
Unit 1-8, LG/F, Chak Tsui House, Wan Tsui Estate, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 香港柴灣環翠邨澤翠樓低層地下1-8室 |
2505 4287 |
2976 5330 |
Wan Chai 灣仔 |
Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 |
Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (Wan Chai) 樂心匯(灣仔) |
8/F, 36 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔愛群道36號8樓 |
3413 1641 |
3413 1656 |
Wong Tai Sin 黃大仙 |
Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong 利民會 |
ALOHA (Wong Tai Sin) 友樂坊(黃大仙) |
Unit 1-12, G/F, Lok Tin House, Tsz Lok Estate, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon 九龍慈雲山慈樂邨樂天樓地下1-12號 |
2322 3794 |
2320 1178 |
ALOHA (Wong Tai Sin) (Sub-base) 友樂坊(黃大仙)(附屬單位) |
G/F, Yiu Sin House, Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate, Kowloon 九龍黃大仙上邨耀善樓地下1號室 |
2322 3794 |
2320 1178 |
Kwun Tong 觀塘 |
The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong 香港心理衞生會 |
Amity Place (Kwun Tong Central) 恆泰坊 |
9/F, Kai Nang Integrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, 4 Fuk Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon. 九龍觀塘福塘道4號啟能綜合康復服務大樓9樓 |
2346 3798 |
2348 2428 |
Amity Place (Kwun Tong North) (sub-base) 恆樂坊 (分址) |
No. 101-108, G/F, Yan Wah House, Lok Wah North Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 九龍觀塘樂華北邨欣華樓地下101-108室 |
2116 0503 |
2116 0845 |
賽馬會恆健坊 賽馬會恆健坊Jockey Club Amity Place (Kwun Tong South) (sub-base) 賽馬會恆健坊 (分址) |
4/F, Sai Tso Wan Neighbourhood Community Centre, 81 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 九龍觀塘茶果嶺道81號茜草灣鄰里社區中心4樓 |
2834 9618 |
2834 9655 |
Tseung Kwan O (South) 將軍澳(南) |
Christian Family Service Centre 基督教家庭服務中心 |
Wellness Zone - Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness 和悅軒-精神健康綜合社區中心 |
2/F, Mount Verdant, 48 Chui Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 新界將軍澳翠嶺路48號翠嶺峰2樓 |
3521 1611 |
2706 1223 |
Sai Kung & Tseung Kwan O (North) 西貢及將軍澳(北) |
Stewards 香港神託會 |
Syner-bright Zone 匯晴坊 |
Unit 216-217, 218B, 223, 223A & 224A, Sau Lam House, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳翠林邨秀林樓216-217, 218B, 223, 223A及224A室 |
2633 3117 |
2631 0779 |
Kowloon City 九龍城 |
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 |
Vitality Place 龍澄坊 |
Unit 11B, 9/F, Tower B, Hunghom Commercial Centre, 37 Ma Tau Wai Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon 九龍紅磡馬頭圍道37號紅磡商業中心B座9樓11B室 |
2332 5332 |
2402 3588 |
Yau Tsim Mong 油尖旺 |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association 新生精神康復會 |
The Wellness Centre (Yau Tsim Mong) 安泰軒(油尖旺) |
G/F - 1/F, Flourish Mansion, 9 Cheung Wong Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon 九龍旺角長旺道9號長旺雅苑地下至一樓 |
2977 8900 |
3552 5353 |
Sham Shui Po 深水埗 |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association 新生精神康復會 |
The Wellness Centre (Sham Shui Po) 安泰軒(深水埗) |
2/F, New Life Building, 332 Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon 九龍南昌街332號新生會大樓二樓 |
2319 2103 |
2784 5367 |
Tsuen Wan 荃灣 |
Caritas Hong Kong 香港明愛 |
Caritas Wellness Link – Tsuen Wan 明愛全樂軒 |
Rm. 1302, 13/F, Grand City Plaza, 1-17 Sai Lau Kok Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories 新界荃灣西樓角路1-17號新領域廣場13樓1302室 |
3105 5337 |
3105 0167 |
Kwai Tsing 葵青 |
Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 |
Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (Kwai Tsing) 樂心匯(葵青) |
No. 7-14, G/F, Hang Chi House, Cheung Hang Estate, Tsing Yi, New Territories 新界青衣長亨邨亨緻樓地下7-14號 |
2434 4569 |
2436 3977 |
Kwai Chung 葵涌 |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association 新生精神康復會 |
The Wellness Centre (Kwai Chung) 安泰軒(葵涌) |
Unit 21-22, G/F, Fu On House, Tai Wo Hau Estate, Kwai Chung, New Territories 新界葵涌大窩口邨富安樓地下21-22號 |
2652 1868 |
2652 1307 |
Shatin 沙田 |
Stewards 香港神託會 |
Take Your Way Clubhouse (Shatin) 創薈坊(沙田) |
G/F, Unit 1-18, Bean Goose House, Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, New Territories 新界沙田沙角邨美雁樓1-18號地下 |
2645 1263 |
2632 5056 |
Take Your Way Clubhouse (Ma On Shan) 創薈坊(馬鞍山)分址 |
Wing A, 1-12, G/F, Yiu Ping House, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, N.T. 新界馬鞍山耀安邨耀平樓地下1-12號A翼 |
2321 3090 |
2321 3191 |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association 新生精神康復會 |
The Wellness Centre (Shatin) 安泰軒(沙田) |
Room 1-8, G/F., Mei Wai House, Mei Lam Estate, Shatin, New Territories 新界沙田美林邨美槐樓地下1-8室 |
3552 5460/ 2615 2820 |
3552 5354 |
Tai Po 大埔 |
The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong 香港心理衞生會 |
Jockey Club Amity Place (Tai Po) 賽馬會恆悅坊 |
Unit 101-108, G/F, Wing A, Kwong Chi House, Kwong Fuk Estate, Tai Po, New Territories 新界大埔廣福邨廣智樓A翼地下101-108室 |
2651 8132 |
2638 5130 |
North District 北區 |
Caritas Hong Kong 香港明愛 |
Caritas Wellness Link – North District 明愛樂晴軒 |
G/F, Wing B, Yung Wa House, Yung Shing Court, Fanling, New Territories 新界粉嶺雍盛苑雍華閣B翼地下 |
2278 1016 |
3590 9110 |
Yuen Long 元朗 |
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 |
Placidity Place 朗澄坊 |
5/F, Tin Shui Wai (Tin Yip Road) Community Health Centre Building, 3 Tin Yip Road, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories 新界天水圍天業路3號天水圍(天業路)社區健康中心大樓五樓 |
3163 2873 |
3907 0180 |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association 新生精神康復會 |
The Wellness Centre (Tin Shui Wai) 安泰軒(天水圍) |
Units 503-504, 5/F, Ancillary Facilities Block, Tin Chak Estate, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories 新界天水圍天澤邨服務設施大樓五樓503-504室 |
2451 4369 |
2486 3007 |
Tuen Mun 屯門 |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association 新生精神康復會 |
The Wellness Centre (Tuen Mun – Wu King) 安泰軒(屯門-湖景) |
Unit 9-15, G/F, Wu Tsui House, Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun, New Territories 新界屯門湖景邨湖翠樓地下9-15室 |
2450 2172 |
2441 5625 |
The Wellness Centre (Tuen Mun – On Ting) (sub-base) 安泰軒(屯門-安定)(分址) |
G/F, On Ting Yau Oi Community Centre, On Ting Estate, Tuen Mun, New Territories 新界屯門安定邨安定友愛社區中心地下 |
2450 2172 |
2441 5625 |
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited 香港聖公會福利協會有限公司 |
The Club 樂喜聚 |
82 Tsun Wen Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories/The Providence Garden for Rehab 新界屯門震寰路82號康恩園 |
2465 3210 |
2994 1968 |
Revised in September 2022